Wedding Party

Nathan Shahani

Nathan Shahani Man of Honor

Growing up, I never would have imagined my sweet little brother with his big round glasses would become one of my best friends and closest confidants. From driving him around in my '94 Corolla to our Rosé inspired lunches, we've always been together to share news, feelings, TV (Bravo, SVU and Dateline of course☺) and everything in between! I've been by his side during his entire life, and I am honored he will be by mine while I take the next step in my life. I love you Nathan!

Justin Shahani Co-Best Man

Truly no words can do justice for the amount of appreciation I have for my friendship with Justin. When I look back and think of all the best times I've had, he's always been there. I know I can count on Justin to be there for me, just like I'll always be there for him. We've had some wild rides together, and I'm so excited and honored for him to stand next to me at my wedding.

Ashley Gill

Ashley Gill

(one, two, three….whoaaa!)

Ashley and I have practically been sisters since meeting in middle school. One of my oldest memories with Ash was when we both were sick with upset stomachs from eating too much raw cookie dough (whoops!) and we spent all weekend trying to get our Furbies to talk to each other - spoiler alert: it didn't work!! We've shared so many crazy adventures together and are planning to finally visit Thailand together next year! Whenever I'm with Ash, it's bound to be a great time filled with silliness and laughter.

Kiyoshi Kusachi Co-Best Man

The one I look up to, the one I follow, the one that made me who I am today. Growing up together I've always tried to follow his lead: He played basketball, so I played basketball. He got into computers, so I got into computers. He's always been the one to set the example and pave the road for me. As I take the next big step in my life, I want him by my side, just like he has been throughout my life.


Brittany Padilla

Britt is one of the most considerate, caring and sweetest people I have ever known and I'm lucky to be able to call her a best friend! James and I started dating during the 2 years that we were roommates, so Brittany has truly been a special part of our relationship from the beginning. We've lived together, we swim and plank together ☺, do target runs and walk together …we do everything together, and I can't wait to celebrate together as I marry my best friend!


Sarven Karakesisoglu

My first friend. Sarv has been by my side forever, and we've had SO much fun growing up together. He's crashed my RC cars, and even got me into rollerblading (for a hot minute), but I'll always love the guy. It's been a blast to grow up together and see each other grow, and I am honored to have him by my side for another shared memory in our lives.

P.S. Sarv, I was the one to bring up the OJ Simpson trial in 3rd grade.


Melissa Haffner

Mimi and I go way back…to brownie days when we were just 8 years old! We became close friends in High School and she's been such an important person in my life ever since. Even when she moved away to the East coast and for college and then work, I would make a point to try and visit her every year. Meems and I have traveled all over the world together – India, London and Maui to name a few places! We have so many incredible memories together and I couldn't imagine my wedding day without her by my side.

Dylan Mendez

Dylan....ohhhh Dylan, I value his friendship so much. Growing up, Dylan always threw the best sleepovers - we always had so much fun. Now you can find us and Justin playing golf, with Dylan smoking us (and cigars) every time. He's such a good quality person who shows the meaning of true friendship, and you can always feel the love when he's around. He is after all, the ‘lover'. I'm so excited to have him by my side, and also to celebrate together with after!

Christina lorenz

Christina Lorenz

Christina has always been there for me through all the ups and downs in my life – she always knows exactly what to say to make any situation better or give me the perfect advice when I need it. Our love for the Lakers (Kobe!), Housewives, the Kardashians, Jeff Lewis and Andy Cohen always make for fun conversation and lots of laughs. I'm so happy to have Tina next to me as James and I say "I Do" and can't wait to do this all over again when it's her turn!

Matthew Gigliotti

The first word that comes to mind when I think of Giggs is "dependable". We clicked from the beginning, especially as young kids in flag football ("Giggs, 1 play'). These days you can find me looking to Matt for advice, or just sharing a few words and catching up on life. I'll always remember our times growing up, whether it's cooking Paella for 8th grade Spanish class or watching football and "soaking it up". Giggs is a quality friend and one that I value very much.


Bekah Dokulil

Growing up in a house with three brothers, I've always wanted a sister but never had one. The day Justin introduced me to Bekah, I felt an immediate connection with her. Our bond really grew strong over our love for many of the same bands and forcing Justin to see them with us at Coachella ☺ Most weekends you can find Justin, James, Bekah and I together sharing food, drinks and laughs. I love Bekah like a sister and am so glad to have her in my wedding.

Rodman Amiri

Reminescing on all the best things I took home with me after I graduated USC, one of the best ones is my friendship with Rodman. When we first met my junior year, I swear the guy was 35. We began hanging out basically every day at our apt Chateau Row, having some of the best memories of my life. We have packed in so much togther, almost as if to make up for lost time, including a trip to St. Maarten. I'm so happy to be friends with Rodman, and to have him by my side.